Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Analyzing Culture

Culture is comparable to a personality: it is difficult to pinpoint and does not hold true at all times.  However, just like an individual's personality, a culture gives the most accurate explanation and prediction of behavior.  In the case of culture we are talking about the thinking and behavioral tendencies of a group of people and culture does indeed influence our personal behaviors and beliefs.
Using the five dimensions of culture, you are to analyze your native country and explain the tendencies in each area that might be expected of someone from that culture.  You should begin your analysis by explaining (in your own words) each of the five dimensions.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cultural Dimensions of Behavior

After completing the brief reading assignment on pages 134-138 in your textbook, please visit the link below to learn more about the cultural distinctions of a variety of countries throughout the world.  How does the behavior of people in various countries differ when it comes to performing their jobs?  Choose five countries for comparison and start investigating their cultural tendencies.