Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Social Identity Theory

We have been studying the concept of Social Identity Theory over the past several days.  After watching (and discussing in class) the case study of the 3rd grade class from Iowa, we have a better understanding of the method used to divide people into "ingroups" and "outgroups" based on something as simple (and silly) as the color of one's eyes.  This case study helped sociologists and psychologists to see intergroup behaviors at work in the real world. 

Your assignment has three parts:

1. Have the notes we took in class and watch the video(s) linked below.  The one entitled "A Class Divided" explains the original case study.  The second video, "An Angry Eye" gives a more modern version of this study to show in greater detail how these intergroup behaviors are used to divide people into groups.

A Class Divided:  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6189991712636113875#

An Angry Eye:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf2LB0IG1xo

2. Write a two paragraph, short essay about how how you recognize the concepts discussed in class (from your notes) being demonstrated by this case study.  Provide detail of actual examples - things such as the language used and the behavior exhibited by the ingroup versus the outgroup.  This essay should be posted to your blog.

3. Identify a real life example of an ingroup (could be one you belong to but does not have to be) and their competing outgroup.  Explain, using examples, how the ingroup effectively uses the concepts we discussed in class to establish, increase and maintain the divide between themselves and the outgroup. Research online to find news stories that serve as evidence of this intergroup behavior - include these examples in your essay.  This second, seperate essay should be at least 500 words in length and should be posted to your blog. 

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