Monday, November 28, 2011

The Biology of Emotion

After reading the following article,, write a brief explanation of the possible biological components of emotion.  You should link the article and add two pictures which help to represent the topic.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Memory and Emotion in Real-life: PTSD

PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a real-world example of the combination of emotion and memory.  Unfortunately, memory appears to be greatly affected by the emotional depth of an event and this combination can be very unforgiving when the event is of a highly traumatic nature.  PTSD is most often thought of as a carry-over from a military war-time experience but research has found that PTSD can result from abuse, exposure to natural disasters or any number of other emotionally charged events.

Go to the link above to read more about PTSD. 

Answer the following questions before class on Tuesday:

What is PTSD?
What are the symptoms?
What causes PTSD?
Briefly explain how memory and emotion relate to PTSD.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Emotion and Memory = Flashbulb Memory?

To begin this assignment, you should first read this article: ( to become more familiar with the topic of emotion and memory.

Research each of the studies listed below relating to FBM (flashbulb memory) and post your responses on your blog.  Post each one as a separate entry and include one picture along with links to the sites where you acquired your information.

Explain the study – Brown & Kulik (1977)
  • What was the aim of the study?
  • Explain in 2-3 sentences, the procedure of this study
  • What were the findings of this study?
  • What is the conclusion from this study?
  • Explain one limitation (weakness) of this study.

Explain the study – Neisser & Harsch (1992)
  • What was the aim of the study?
  • Explain in 2-3 sentences, the procedure of this study
  • What were the findings of this study?
  • What is the conclusion from this study?
  • Explain one limitation (weakness) of this study.

Explain the study – Talarico & Rubin (2003)
  • What was the aim of the study?
  • Explain in 2-3 sentences, the procedure of this study
  • What were the findings of this study?
  • What is the conclusion from this study?
  • Explain one limitation (weakness) of this study.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Seneca and Lazarus - an explanation of emotion?

After discussing Lazarus' appraisal theory of emotion in class, we learned that emotion may be the result of simply how we think about the events occuring around us.  Anything that happens can be perceived as positive or negative based on a variety of factors - this cognitive appraisal of the situation then determines the emotion we experience.  The video viewed in class about the ancient philosopher Seneca identified his belief about the source of emotions such as anger: we don't think enough about the things that could go wrong and therefore, we are surprised when they occur.  As a result of surprise we feel angry over our disappontment or feelings of helplessness - it is then that emotions are the strongest.
You are to analyze the philosophy of Seneca against the theory of Lazarus and explain how the two relate to each other.  What do they have in common?  Do they conflict in any way?  What are your opinions on these ideas?

Please include a picture with your posting (of about 2-3 paragraphs) which helps illustrate what you learned.