Monday, May 14, 2012

Study of Mental Disorders

As IB students, you are to study two specific disorders - we will examine one anxiety disorder and one affective disorder.  In our examination of specific phobia and major depressive disorder there are many aspects that are important to understand to develop a well-rounded perspective of each of these mental illnesses. 

To begin, you should understand what it takes to obtain a diagnosis.  What are the generally accepted symptoms, how many are necessary, over what time frame, etc...?

Next, you should be able to explain the cause of each...however, this is not as simple as it may first appear.  Causes can be interpreted differently depending on your view of mental illness and psychology in general.  Is biology a key factor?  What does the data from twin studies seem to show?  Is environment a factor or is it more of a trigger?  Are these disorders dependent on cognitive factors?  Why does this matter?

Finally (for now), what are the risk factors of each disorder?  Does it matter your gender, ethnicity, income level, occupation, age, etc...?

You should use information from the DSM-IV to gain critical insight but more research will also be necessary to answer all the questions. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Abnormal Psych: Mental Illness

As part of our study of abnormal psychology we will be focusing special attention on two disorders: Specific Phobia and Major Depressive Disorder.  Our areas of study will include:
  • the history of mental illness and treatment
  • using the DSM-IV to diagnose disroders
    • symptoms
    • risk-factors
  • etiology or (perceived) causes of these disorders
    • biological factors
    • cognitive factors
    • environmental factors
  • treatments
    • biological factors
    • cognitive factors
    • environmental factors
A History of the Madhouse:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Analyzing Culture

Culture is comparable to a personality: it is difficult to pinpoint and does not hold true at all times.  However, just like an individual's personality, a culture gives the most accurate explanation and prediction of behavior.  In the case of culture we are talking about the thinking and behavioral tendencies of a group of people and culture does indeed influence our personal behaviors and beliefs.
Using the five dimensions of culture, you are to analyze your native country and explain the tendencies in each area that might be expected of someone from that culture.  You should begin your analysis by explaining (in your own words) each of the five dimensions.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cultural Dimensions of Behavior

After completing the brief reading assignment on pages 134-138 in your textbook, please visit the link below to learn more about the cultural distinctions of a variety of countries throughout the world.  How does the behavior of people in various countries differ when it comes to performing their jobs?  Choose five countries for comparison and start investigating their cultural tendencies.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stereotyping - What are the effects?

You should know by this point what stereotyping is and you should also be aware of the social-cognitive theory of why people develop and use stereotypes. Now you are going to examen how stereotypes can affect you.  Read the article, " How Stereotypes Defeat the Stereotyped", and  write a brief explanation of the effect researchers are now calling "stereotype threat."  Give an example of how this concept works and explain what researches have determined about the impact stereotypes have on those they target.,9171,1900261,00.html 

Be ready to share your analysis in class on Monday.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Social Identity Theory

We have been studying the concept of Social Identity Theory over the past several days.  After watching (and discussing in class) the case study of the 3rd grade class from Iowa, we have a better understanding of the method used to divide people into "ingroups" and "outgroups" based on something as simple (and silly) as the color of one's eyes.  This case study helped sociologists and psychologists to see intergroup behaviors at work in the real world. 

Your assignment has three parts:

1. Have the notes we took in class and watch the video(s) linked below.  The one entitled "A Class Divided" explains the original case study.  The second video, "An Angry Eye" gives a more modern version of this study to show in greater detail how these intergroup behaviors are used to divide people into groups.

A Class Divided:

An Angry Eye:

2. Write a two paragraph, short essay about how how you recognize the concepts discussed in class (from your notes) being demonstrated by this case study.  Provide detail of actual examples - things such as the language used and the behavior exhibited by the ingroup versus the outgroup.  This essay should be posted to your blog.

3. Identify a real life example of an ingroup (could be one you belong to but does not have to be) and their competing outgroup.  Explain, using examples, how the ingroup effectively uses the concepts we discussed in class to establish, increase and maintain the divide between themselves and the outgroup. Research online to find news stories that serve as evidence of this intergroup behavior - include these examples in your essay.  This second, seperate essay should be at least 500 words in length and should be posted to your blog. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Errors of Attribution

To what do you attribute your success?  If you win an athletic contest or perform really well on the SAT, was your success due to your dispositional characteristics or simply to something outside your control, such as luck?  How about the success of your rival?  We all have tendencies to attribute behavior to one cause or another but how often to we make errors in our judgment?  Studies tell us that it depends on the culture from which you come.

Answer the following questions that relate to attribution styles and errors as well as cultural differences:
The following links may be of some help but feel free to use your textbook and other resources. )

1. What is the difference between dispositional factors and situational factors?
2. Explain and give an example of the fundamental error of attribution.
3. Explain and give an example of the self-serving-bias error of attribution.
4. Explain two possible explanations for these errors.
5. What does the study by Miyamoto and Kitayama tell us about cultural differences in attribution errors?

Now, read this short article: and write a two paragraph essay explaining the role of attribution errors in things such as cheating and lying.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Power of the Situation: Real Life

Abu Ghraib:  the infamous prison in Iraq  was once a place of death and torture for Saddam Hussein's regime.  Following the overthrow of the Iraqi dictator in 2003, American forces reclaimed this place as a location to house detainees while they attempted to gain intelligence.  Gradually, the culture of the prison evolved back into what it had previously been: the home of "evil".
Using your knowledge of the studies of Milgram, Asch and Zimbardo, identify what happended at Abu Ghraib and attempt to explain it using the conclusions from these presious studies.

Dedicate three paragraphs to your explanation and be sure to site your sources of information and include at least three pictures relating to your essay.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Power of the Situation

Sociocultural psychology attempts to explain behavior (including our thoughts) in terms of dispositional and situational factors.  While personality holds some importance in determining behavior, it is thought that situations  - especially those considered to be strong in nature - influence our behavior more than anything else. 
These three studies have shown to be very useful in identifying how situational factors affect us:
Milgram’s studies of obedience to authority (1974)
Asch’s studies of conformity (1956)
Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment (1971)

Your assignment is to choose two of the studies listed above, research them in detail and write a brief summary about each.  Your summaries should include:
  • the aim of the study
  • the basic method of the study
  • the results
  • the conclusions
  • strengths and limitations
  • ethical concerns
As always, site your sources of information and provide one picture relevant to each study.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Trait Theory of Personality: The Big Five Test

Answer these questions about Trait Theory and the Big 5 Personality Test:

1. What is the primary focus of trait theory of personality?
2. Explain the differences between cardinal traits, central traits and secondary traits.
3. What are two common criticisms of trait theory?
4. Identify and briefly explain each of the five dimensions of personality according to McCrae and Costa.
5. What are two strengths of McCrae and Costa's five factor model of personality?

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Placebo Effect

Your assignment is to write a 2-3 paragraph, short essay, about the placebo effect.  You should be able to explain what it is, for which conditions is it most often used, how effective is it, why does is sometimes work and is it ethical to use this as a treatment.  Provide examples to back up your statements.  Also, provide at least 2 pictures relevant to your topic.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Placebo Effect - What is it? Does it really work?

We've all heard of the "Placebo Effect" but what is it, really?  How does it work and does it really work?
We are going to begin study of this perception issue and, hopefully, answer these questions and more.  Your assignment is to read and evaluate one of the articles from the link below.
Your response should include:
1. explain what is meant by "placebo effect".
2. explain what the article is telling us - what did you learn from the article?
3. how do you see this topic relating to the overall topic of perception?

Include one picture illustrating your response and site your article by including the link in your posting.