Monday, February 6, 2012

The Power of the Situation

Sociocultural psychology attempts to explain behavior (including our thoughts) in terms of dispositional and situational factors.  While personality holds some importance in determining behavior, it is thought that situations  - especially those considered to be strong in nature - influence our behavior more than anything else. 
These three studies have shown to be very useful in identifying how situational factors affect us:
Milgram’s studies of obedience to authority (1974)
Asch’s studies of conformity (1956)
Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment (1971)

Your assignment is to choose two of the studies listed above, research them in detail and write a brief summary about each.  Your summaries should include:
  • the aim of the study
  • the basic method of the study
  • the results
  • the conclusions
  • strengths and limitations
  • ethical concerns
As always, site your sources of information and provide one picture relevant to each study.

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